Living An Intentional Life
Work Life, Faith Lisa Adams Work Life, Faith Lisa Adams

Living An Intentional Life

Living with intentionality has always been a passion of mine.  Why? Probably because I have failed at it so many times, or at least I feel like I have.  And this is when I remind myself of my successes, not failures, and that how I feel about myself may not be the true facts. 

For many years I would do my annual goal setting, especially while I was working in corporate and before my sons came along.  I was a big-time goal setter and task list checker.  I had my yearly, monthly, weekly, and daily planner.  Most of the time I hit my goals.  Other times I did not.  At times, my mind would go to, “Why didn’t you complete that goal or even start it?  You will never achieve anything.”  Over time of saying this to myself enough, I gave up on setting any goals.  I just did life day by day, week by week.

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