One Perfect Lane Merge

One Lane Closed

One of my sons has been traveling quite a bit in the past months. As I mentioned in this in a prior post, I can get stressed or annoyed when I’m a passenger and there is traffic and construction - but it made me think of all the times I had a lane closed on me in my career and what did it feel like.

Early on in my career, I had a position, just above entry level, at a manufacturing company in the Boston area. It was a fun role. I was on a small HR team. At the time I was hired to do benefits administration. I was learning a ton about benefits and how to be the “new guy”. I really enjoyed the company. It was a small to midsize company with a strong vision for the future. Because it was so small, I had several opportunities to learn from and interact with the CEO and CFO. I was about to find a new apartment and finally permanently get out of my parent’s house. Life was good.

Just a few months into the job, the company did layoffs and I was on the list. I was young and mad! As the most recent hire for the HR department, I was the first to go. Of course, it was just before the Christmas holiday. So back with mom and dad I go to figure out my next move and begin a job search.

I decided to do some job searching in NYC. At the time I was in the Boston area. I did the train rides from Boston to NYC for interviews and to visit college friends. It was fun and always interesting. Within a month I realized that NYC was not the place for me, although I almost got a gig in the HR department at Comedy Central. Not bad. Could have been bragging power to college friends. The bigger city just was not for me. Another lane closed.

Surviving the Setbacks

As I learned with these lane closures, HR job in manufacturing, and the NYC job, I could manage it, survive the setbacks, and land a great job for American Express. I began doing recruitment for a new facility launching in Rhode Island. I joined a team that recruited 500 employees over the course of 1 year and I got to sail, surf, and meet all kinds of new people in RI.

New Opportunities

The lanes that had closed the months before opened a new road for me that catapulted my career and personal connections for years to come.

What lanes have closed for you that helped move you forward?

Add to comments below or message me. I’d love to hear your stories as well.




Lane Closures